Wurlit™ Apps 3d is a free application released today in the Apple app store, you can get it here. It is the first 3d browsing front end available for the the Apple app store. Using a patent-pending 3d engine Wurlit offers the end user “the top 25 free and paid apps in each category in glorious 3D, with seamless transitions between categories.” Designed to make shopping for apps fun the end user can quickly move around. “Simply flick the screen to spin the app cloud” and “tap on an app icon to zoom in”

Inside Wurlit™ Apps 3d you can also see application details, access web reviews and see screenshots of the apps your browsing. A nice touch is the ability to shake the phone to shake-up the app icons.

I have been beta testing Wurlit Apps 3d for a couple of weeks and I thought it was a really cool way to explore the App store, seeing the icons of all the apps certainly made me search in a different, more visual and fun way. You can seamlessly install apps directly from the application page meaning you never have to go back to the App Store app on your iPhone. There is also, should you wish, the ability to look through the apps in a more traditional list view but I always used the 3d interface, it was just much cooler!

It’s a shame, I think, that all the apps available in the store are not all displayed but also i can’t see how the developers would have fitted them all on the screen in a useable way. The developers felt that having Wurlit display dynamically the top 25 free and paid apps from the App store would bring you the most popular choice whilst making the most of the on screen estate. They have their server poll the app store every day to synchronise Wurlit with those top apps so always bringing you whats hot. I know there are new features on the way but Wurlit are keen to have your feedback as well which you can send to them via their web site. An iPad version is well on the way and will hopefully be released very soon and they have some exciting new apps in development which utilise their 3d engine. Just Wurlit I say!

Download it from the app store here.