Category: Music Gear

I have to say that for ages I was not overly convinced about the Apple iPad. I had a HP tablet PC, the tc1100 about 6 years ago, whilst I was working in an agency environment and the clients thought it was cool and it worked well for taking notes and demonstrating ideas/presentations and personally I loved the thing. I guess thats why the iPad didn’t grab me, it’s not anything new.

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As I look to the right I can see my Emu Emax standing on its end. Usually the thing is used as a midi keyboard for the Virus but after the discovery of this external SCSI/flash drive on Music Thing, perhaps it will have a new life.!! The MCDISK-2 is a “$110 external flash drive that plugs into your SCSI interface and is reliable and completely silent.” The MCDISK-2 has one PCMCIA slot which enables you to use Compact Flash
or Smart Media cards for storage
(with the correct PCMCIA adapter). Very Cool!

Wow. Nice idea. Turn you iPod into a portable recording studio. 2 Mic Inputs using XLR’s, instrument line in and a stereo phono input. USB for transferring back to a PC or MAC. In the US $179.99 out this summer…v cool!


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Wireless music stand

Fascinating idea this – as a musician who has played in loads of cover bands, reading TABS and your own created short hand for chords I really y think this could be a real boon – but only if they half the £750 price.  Essentially a 12″ LCD that’s low glare with a resolution of 1024×768.  You can flip pages via a foot pedal and you can write amendments via keyboard, stylus or via touchscreen.  The unit also stores MP3’s, setlists and fingering charts; has a built in pitch pipe, metronome and midi support.  Apparently it even has some wifi support! Well cool!!! well perhaps not half price then kids, maybe around the £500 mark may make this a winner.

Gizmodo UK : November 06, 2006

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The Freesound Project

Ever since I was a kid I was into synths, things that go bleep and sound in general.  That’s why I found The Freesound Project so interesting.  Its aim is to create a database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps – infact anything that has no copyright can be added to the database.  A very interesting experiment.  Have a look and a listen.

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Online Music Colabration

With one MAC/PC you can create an army of musicians but sometimes you need to work with others.  There are a couple of MIDI solutions out there that let you play along with each other but  Ninjam allows you to use real instruments and voice as long as your computer has a soundcard.  Go on, play with others!

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Guitarist Revenge

Well we all know your never more than 6 degrees away from someone who can play the guitar. Well bring the sucker down to size, hand him this and say play now mr im so hot guitarist…! Via Redferret

Ishkur’s Guide to Music has a very cool tree showing the musical paths that led to different genres of electronic music. Not sure I agree on some of the paths or where certain influences come from but its interesting non the less and top marks Ishkur for taking the time and putting the effort in. Go and spend some quality time paddling around in the greatest music genres of all time, after all electronics are the new rock n roll 🙂 here.

For all you guitarists

out there comes a mobile application from Yamaha showing you a chord reference chart, metronome and a pitch pipe all for $9.99. Get it now!, here Via Ringtonia

The Lemur

JazzMutant, developers and makers of The Lemur have released updated software for it. To recap The Lemur is an HMI device for real time applications and in particular The Lemur is aimed at musicians, sound designers, DJ’s and all manor of sound, video and light applications. Using multitouch technology you can use upto 10 fingers at a time to control a multi user interface such as mixing desk. With an editor included in the software running on either MAC OSX or Windows you can create your own interface allowing you to control any Midi device.