Category: Useful web sites

Well as a devlopment tool I have built a simple mobile site for Creativegeek. So you can point your mobile browswer to

creativegeek logo

The mobile site just takes an RSS feed so it has exaclty the same news/stories. Love to hear any feedback.  Cheers CG


Interesting idea this…a web site for all you expats out there to get the things you miss about the UK..Marmite/Tetleys etcShame about UK2YOU’s awful looking web site…puts you off buying anything from there IMHO.  Via Techcrunch

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To Stumble, something I’ve been doing a lot recently. An online community that lets you let you rate and review websites via an add in toolbar in your web browser. Its half blog, half myspace. You can add your interests, join groups and find fellow surfers who have similar tastes. Cool..take a stumble

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The Tenth Dimension

A truly fantastic web site that’s truly going to make you think about time, space and flatliners. It’s designed to push a book but their truly great flash explanation of how to imagine the 10th – and all the other 9, dimensions is simply fascinating. Imagining the Tenth Dimension.

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What a great idea for a web site, Found a place where anyone can post a message about stuff the have found whether its a love letter, a picture in a second hand digital camera. birthday cards, doodles…anything that gives a glimpse into someone else’s life.  Cool and somehow heart warming.

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Streetcar is a new UK based service that lets you rent a car by the hour, day, week or month.  Its designed so that you can share a car, just getting one when you need it.  I wonder how many care they have in their fleet.  Its a good idea but I just wonder how many times you would want a car to find one unavailable. 

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Please readers, write in if this works..mad!

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Mr Picasso Head

I seem to be on a theme tonight…another cool web site that allows you to assemble a Mr Picasso Head and email it to your friends

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This is sooooo cool!!!! Select from a variety of scenes, characters. music and type in their speech and create your own mini movie that you can send to your friends.  GIve it a go.

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As someone who has spent many an hour editing, compiling and creating sound effects I was intrigued with this site.

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